Why Choose Invisalign over Cheaper Aligners

Why Choose Invisalign over Cheaper Aligners Why Choose Invisalign over Cheaper Aligners  : In the pursuit of a confident and radiant smile, many individuals turn to orthodontic treatments to align their teeth. With the rise of alternative options to traditional metal braces, the dental industry has seen an influx of cheaper aligner alternatives. However, amidst … Read more


clear aligners in gurgaon

WHAT ARE BENEFITS OF INVISALIGN FOR ADULTS? Invisalign for Adults : As an adult when you get braces, it can have a huge impact on your oral health and over all personality. But most older orthodontic patients prefer to avoid wearing fixed appliances like brackets and wires. At Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics we make … Read more

The 8 Differences Between Invisalign Vs. Ceramic Braces

The 8 Differences Between Invisalign Vs. Ceramic Braces Ceramic Braces vs Invisalign Aligners. Let’s end the confusion between Invisalign and clear or ceramic braces now – they are two options that treat different issues depending on the type and severity of the case.  Here are eight differences between Invisalign and clear braces that can help … Read more

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