How Dental Implants Change Your Life

Best dental implant clinic in Gurugram : Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics, significant change in your life when you get dental implants for your missing teeth.
If you have damaged your teeth, having one or more knocked out, or have genetically bad teeth, dental implants are the next best thing to your real teeth. Dental implants are the closest and best thing after real teeth. While the implant posts (screws) that are anchored into your jawbone are titanium, they are never seen once the crown is attached.
The crowns we use are custom fit for your mouth and made from durable materials that function and look indistinguishable from real teeth. No one will ever know you have implants unless you let them in on the secret. There will be nothing to be embarrassed about; you will just be happy to flash your new smile at best dental implant clinic in Gurugram. While they do look like real teeth, the upside is no more cavities! Yes, you still need to maintain a healthy flossing and brushing habit—and don’t forget mouthwash!
How many people do you know that have dentures or bridges and complain about their discomfort? They aren’t exaggerating— dentures and bridges can lead to uneven ridges, sudden gagging, and sore gums. Bridges also need healthy teeth on either side to attach to for support, which can lead to those teeth shifting and other discomforts. Dental implants need none of that and are a 1:1 replacement, meaning that they need no adjustment of other teeth in order to fit—they take up only the space of the tooth they are replacing.
Dental implants, whether it’s one tooth you are replacing or many, will never interfere with your remaining healthy teeth and they blend right in.
While bridges and dentures have a tendency to fall out or become loose over time, dental implants stay put by design. In some rare cases dental implants may need very minor adjustments, but they are never painful and last a lifetime. The average lifespan of bridges and dentures is only 5-7 years and they become painful and more uncomfortable towards the end of their life cycle.
When you have gaps in your teeth it can cause the rest to shift or collapse due to bone loss. Dental implants not only prevent shifting and collapse but they preserve your bone and encourage growth of the mandible as well. You won’t get the same benefit from dentures and bridges, in fact they will only lead to more discomfort than benefits.
Dental implants do give you better oral functions such as chewing and swallowing but they also give you a huge confidence boost. When you see that your implants look better than your original teeth did and blend right into existing teeth, you’ll want to smile again. You should be proud of the decision you made to better your self-image.
When individuals lose their teeth, they usually have to rely on eating soft foods that don’t require much chewing. Chewing is often overlooked as just a way to get food down your throat, but it’s so much more than that. Chewing breaks down food and the saliva has enzymes that begin to break it down for digestion and the absorption of key nutrients. Without that important chewing of food with protein and vitamins from meats, fruits and vegetables—you could be missing out on a lot of vital nutrition. Dental implants allow you to eat as normal as you did before tooth loss and maintain a healthy diet.
BRING YOUR SMILE BACK WITH US @ best dental implant clinic in Gurugram
Don’t waste another minute with uncomfortable dentures, missing or soft teeth, and the social stigma that accompany dental problems. We are the best dental implant clinic in Gurugram –  Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics. Our professional staff will guide you through setting up your evaluation so you can be on your way to a better, brighter you. Contact us today! Call + 91 9871631066 or
Book Appointment @ Best Dental Implant Clinic Online.

Dr. Jyoti Singh (MDS), Diplomate WICO (Japan region) stands as a beacon of excellence in implantology within Delhi NCR region. She is a BDS and MDS(Prostho) both from Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, where she secured top honors with all India rank 1 in PG entrance examination. Her extensive experience at esteemed institutions like Clove Dental and her own Center for Dental Implants & Esthetics since 2016, Dr. Singh embodies unparalleled expertise in dental implants.
Boasting a wealth of 16 years in dentistry and backed by 18 groundbreaking research papers in leading international journals (google scholar), she epitomizes the pinnacle of proficiency and innovation in her field. She practices in Gurugram.